Thursday, December 22, 2011

More KY pics

Layla opening her present from Aunt Shirley

Layla and Haley resting a minute

Trying to get all 3 girls together for a picture

Layla and Poppy reading books

Layla enjoyed having Haley play blocks

Haley showing Layla how to play her "computer"

Layla loves her cousin Haley!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas in KY

We went to KY early in November as I had to be on call for Thanksgiving. Layla got to enjoy Christmas a little early!! She still isn't quite sure about what she is supposed to do with the presents and would open them and then forget that the present inside was for her! She enjoyed playing with Kenzi and Haley very much though!

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy 18 Months

We took Layla's pictures at home again this year since we weren't sure how well she would do if we took her somewhere. She did a great job and seemed to really enjoy having her picture taken as you can tell!

This month she has also turned 18 months..Where has the time gone? Looking back at the pictures from the past year, our little girl has gone from a "baby" to a "toddler". She seems to be growing up too fast!! At 18 months she:

  • Likes to feed herself. She will eat pretty much anything you give her including guacamole!

  • She is in some 18 months closes although some of the 12 months clothes still fit!

  • Has several words: outside, all gone, doggie, momma, da da, thank you, no, cheese.

  • Signs several different words such as: please, milk, eat, more.

  • Loves to be outside and on of her favorite words is "go".

  • Hasn't really attached herself to any one object or toy. She can take or leave them.

  • Loves Mickey Mouse and the movie Tangled.

  • Is starting to try to go to the potty!

  • Wants her way....all the time!

Happy 18 months, Layla! You have brought such joy to us over the last year and a half and can't imagine our lives without you!
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Layla the Strawberry

I'm almost a month late posting pictures from Halloween. We had a ball dressing her up this year. She wasn't real sure about the outfit at first but once she had it on, she wasn't happy to have to take it off!! We didn't take her anywhere to get any candy, but did let her dress up for pictures and let her play outside for a little bit with her outfit. She seemed to really have a good time!

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Text4baby Baby Pics PSA

During my pregnancy, I learned about Text4Baby and didn't get around to signing up until after Layla was born. This is an excellent text messaging program that sends messages weekly on various topics pertaining to the baby such as nutrition, immunizations, and valuable resources.

I got an e-mail a few months back for those people that had been enrolled. They wanted pics of babies for possible use in a future marketing project. I submitted some pics of Layla just to see if she would be chosen, and she was!!! I was so excited to see her photo come up when I saw this new ad out. She is the one in the red velvet dress! Another one of my friend's submitted a pic of her child and she was chosen too!! Her photo is the very last one in the ad.

If you know of anyone that is pregnant or has a child under the age of 1, I encourage you to tell them about this program. I was very impressed and loved getting the weekly messages.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Go Ravens

A couple of weeks ago, it was a bit chilly on a Sunday which meant we got to wear our Ravens outfit from last year. It still fits!! Layla still likes to watch football as she did when she was a baby, but there are many more distractions now. One of her favorite things is Brent's tablet as I have posted before. She likes to draw pretty pictures though!

[Note: although she is in a Ravens outfit, Daddy is a Bills fan. We were supporting the local team this week! Although....Daddy's team has started out really well]

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Layla Eating an Apple

Last weekend we met some friends at Larriland Farm. This is a huge farm that allows you to come out and pick fresh fruits and vegetables. We had wanted to go for quite some time but the hurricane, rain, etc. has kept us from getting there. We picked about 18 lbs of apples, and they are absolutely delicious!! Layla kept pointing to the apples sitting on the bar, so I decided to give her one. She seemed to really like it! I have also given her one of the other kinds the day before but I had peeled that one. It was a little easier to eat.

Friday, September 16, 2011

What Did I Do?

Layla doesn't seem to mind her high chair, but she would rather sit in/on it any way but the right way. I had given her a few dried blueberries, turned my back and found this... You can't help absolutely love that little face!!!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Learning to Feed Myself

Recently Layla has been wanting our silverware and not wanting to let us feed her. If she does allow it, she wants to hold the container. I think at daycare they are letting her feed herself (albeit with finger foods) but she is becoming more and more insistent on feeding herself. I thought...what the heck!!! It wasn't too smart to let her try with spaghetti and meatballs but I guess she has to learn somehow. What a mess we had to clean up afterwards!

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Daddy's Hat

Layla absolutely loves wearing daddy's hat. She has become fascinated with it and will bring it to Brent whenever she finds it in the floor. Of course, he doesn't get to wear it long before he has to share it! Its still a little big for her but she doesn't seem to mind!

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Miss Personality

Layla is really starting to show her "personality". She has many faces, depending on her mood. Most of the time she is really happy, but she definitely doesn't like the word "no". We may end up having a little actress on our hands!

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

My New Car Seat

Layla was getting a little too big for her old car seat so we got her a new one! She was so curious to check it out and kept crawling in it while it was in the living room floor. You can tell she really likes it!

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