Layla went for her 12 month check-up this week. I can't believe time has gone by so fast!
-- 18 lbs 10 oz. (10th %'ile)
-- 29 inches long (50th %'ile)
-- Can say, "mom mom" "dada" and "baba" (bottle)
-- Continues to smile ALL THE TIME.
-- Hasn't really attached herself to anything just yet
-- Loves being outside and is fascinated with all the dogs in the neighborhood
-- Not fond of riding in the carseat right now
-- Is eating much better now. She really likes chicken, cheese, eggs, corn, and yogurt
-- Has started throwing little "fits" . If she doesn't get her way, she throws herself back and kicks her legs. It's really cute, but know we are in trouble later on!
-- Has the sweetest laugh I have ever heard!
-- Loves giving kisses
-- Gets very excited when seeing mommy and daddy
-- Captivates an audience. We are finding it difficult to go anywhere as she seems to be the "star" no matter where we go
Couldn't be happier with our bundle of joy!