Thursday, June 23, 2011

12 month Check-up

Layla went for her 12 month check-up this week. I can't believe time has gone by so fast!
-- 18 lbs 10 oz. (10th %'ile)
-- 29 inches long (50th %'ile)
-- Can say, "mom mom" "dada" and "baba" (bottle)
-- Continues to smile ALL THE TIME.
-- Hasn't really attached herself to anything just yet
-- Loves being outside and is fascinated with all the dogs in the neighborhood
-- Not fond of riding in the carseat right now
-- Is eating much better now. She really likes chicken, cheese, eggs, corn, and yogurt
-- Has started throwing little "fits" . If she doesn't get her way, she throws herself back and kicks her legs. It's really cute, but know we are in trouble later on!
-- Has the sweetest laugh I have ever heard!
-- Loves giving kisses
-- Gets very excited when seeing mommy and daddy
-- Captivates an audience. We are finding it difficult to go anywhere as she seems to be the "star" no matter where we go

Couldn't be happier with our bundle of joy!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My 1st Taste of Cake

Layla's 1st Birthday Cake

I'm not really sure what this is???

I'll just give it a try

Hmm...I think this is pretty good!

Enough with the fingers, I'll just dive in!

Look at me, daddy!

What....I didn't make a mess, did I?

Look at me, look at me..I can really make a mess!

Layla had a really good time for her 1st birthday. She had never tried cake before, but as you can see I think she really liked it! She had cake from head to toe but seemed ot enjoy every minute of it!

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today's My 1st Birthday!!!

The cute hat that they made Layla at daycare for her birthday..Isn't it cute!!!
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Layla's 1st Birthday!

I can't believe that our precious little girl is 1 today. I have reflected quite a bit over the last few days about this time last year and the excitement yet anxiety that I had the few days leading up to her birth.

This time last year I was visiting the MD's office 2 times a week to have fetal monitoring done to ensure that Layla was doing okay. We were told at 37 weeks that Layla's abdominal measurements had not changed from the 32 week measurements and it was probably best to induce and let her grow better "outside the womb". Brent and I were definitely concerned that she wasn't growing like she should and was afraid that I had done something wrong with my diet. I had been so careful about what I ate and my blood sugar numbers, that I was afraid that we had been a bit "too strict".

Needless to say, we had a perfect 6 lb 2 oz GORGEOUS little girl. It was absolute love at first sight. She is still a bit small, only because eating is not a priority with her but she has a spark in her eye and a spring in her step (and yes, she is walking!)

Layla -- mommy and daddy couldn't love you more. You bring so much joy to us and your smile and laugh are electric! We are so blessed to have you!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We're Blogging!

I meant to start a blog last year when Layla was born to document every little milestone along the way. We were so busy trying to settle in as a family and get a routine down, that it just fell by the wayside. I decided a few weeks ago that on her 1st birthday, I would start blogging and try to do a better job!

We have had an incredible first year with our wonderful daughter. Layla brings so much joy to our lives, that we are blessed beyond belief. Brent and I never realized that we could love a little girl so much and have such a great time in her first year. We do have our downs though as she likes to try and throw fits, and she continues to show signs of being a "diva" which I could tell even when I was pregnant with her.

I'm hoping that by blogging we are able to capture most of her milestones and be able to share a bit of our everyday lives.