Saturday, August 27, 2011

Checking out the Hurricane

These pictures aren't great but Layla and daddy were checking out all the rain that we were getting from the hurricane. We had an interesting week with an earthquake on a Tuesday and then Hurricane Irene that very weekend. We stayed in for most of the weekend due to the high winds and rain, but we were lucky enough to not lose any power. Layla wasn't very happy that she couldn't go outside to play, though.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Playing on Daddy's Tablet

Layla is definitely her daddy's child. She loves technology. Whether it be our phones, the computer, or Brent's tablet, we cannot try and be on any of the devices without her close by. Brent has downloaded a couple of games for her and she is learning hand eye coordination.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

Layla got these glasses at the very first birthday party she went to. At first she didn't seem to really like them but now she will bring them to us to put on and then she walks around the living room with them. At least she can see out of them a little.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Very Own "Pebbles"

I picked Layla up from daycare last Friday and they had attempted to put her hair up in a ponytail. She still doesn't have much, so I was surprised that they were able to get any up at all. She didn't really seem to mind. It was soo cute. After the rubber band come out, her hair decided to stick straight up! She is getting a little more hair though!

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