Sunday, December 16, 2012

Visiting Santa

We decided to attempt to take Layla to visit Santa this year.  We hadn't in years past as we really weren't sure if she would try to sit on his lap or just scream the whole time.  We talked it up for several days about going to visit Santa -- tell him what she wanted for Christmas (all she really says is Princess Presents) -- and get her picture taken.  She was a little hesitant at first, but she decided she would sit beside him to get her picture taken.  While I was trying to pay for the picture, she decided to chat a little bit.  I told her it was time to go -- she hopped down, waved bye to Santa and then blew a kiss!  I think Santa was okay this year!!!

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Just Chillin"

Being gone made Layla really tired.  She lounged around the house once we got back!  But....she still has that sweet little smile!

"One picture was enough" caught me hiding and eating my snack!
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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Christmas Time!

We're getting ready for Christmas in the Worthington house.  Layla hasn't really understood what Christmas is up to this point, so everything seems to new to her.  The past few years, we haven't had room for a tree, so we didn't put one up.  This year -- we decided to try and put one up! Layla LOVES it!  As we were putting the tree up, she hugged us and said, "Oh thank you , thank you for the tree."  I wanted to try a project with her so we made some cinnamon ornaments.  Layla wouldn't wait -- check out the smile on her!!!   Most of our ornaments have turned out well -- we just hung them on the tree earlier in the week.  Layla just can't keep her hands off the tree, though!
Waiting for mom to put all of the ingredients in the bowl.
Look at me! 
Cutting out our shapes.
More cutting out shapes.
Layla really like to cut out the shapes for our ornaments!
A look at our tree!  How pretty!
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Thanksgiving 2012

This year we were in New York for Thanksgiving.  We haven't been up there in almost a year -- so she and her cousins were soo excited she was coming!  Layla had so much fun while she was there as you will be able to tell!  Since we won't be there for Christmas this year, the kids got to open presents a little early!

Layla with Grandpa
Layla with Grandma
All of the kiddos anxiously awaiting the opening of presents.
Getting the present -- waiting patiently to get to open
New PJ's!
Hmmm......what's this one?
It's a baby doll!
Layla really liked her baby doll!!!
Trying on Brenna's gift -- princess dress up clothes
Snow White
Posing as Cinderella
We even got to visit Great Grandma!  Layla enjoyed getting to visit her.
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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Like Father, Like Daughter!

Layla is very much into technology -- just like her daddy.  She asks to play on our tablets on a regular basis and always seems to want to be "just like daddy".  She has become really proficient on her tablet -- but we still have to watch and make sure she isn't ordering more games or putting apps on our phone that we don't want/need!   One night I look over -- and she has a calculator that she thinks is like "her phone" and says, "I need to send some mails".  (I think she hears Brent and I say that quite frequently).  Was too cute to pass up though!

Layla's Favorite Foods

We're asked all the time "Is Layla a picky eater?"   The answer is no -- but I think some of the things that she does eat would surprise anyone.  Layla has really decided to try new things and I've learned that if I say "YUMMY", she follows with "HMMM...its good!!!".  Here is a rundown of some of the foods that she loves.

  • Greek yogurt -- she LOVES  it.  We have gone in the grocery store and she has had one open before I knew it and eaten it all right there with her fingers.  
  • Guacamole  -- we eat dinner sometimes at Chipotle and we always get her a side of guacamole. This is the first thing that she eats.  She will beg for it off of Brent's plate too.  She then eats her rice and beans afterwards!
  • Mac and Cheese -- this seems to be her staple meal when we got out to dinner.  Although she will tell you "chicken and french fries", she will usually eat the mac and cheese and unless she finds something else more appealing on your plate!
  • Spinach -- definitely odd I know, but I have made shells and cheese and lasagna with it and she devours it.  Although I have not made it plain, I don't hesitate to put it in other dishes since I know she will eat it.  
  • Pumpkin -- it's the holiday season and I can't pass up fixing pumpkin bars.  She loved them.  I gave her some pumpkin pie too during Thanksgiving, and she seemed to really like it.  Jan, Brent's sister made a pumpkin mousse, and she had to have a bowl before she went to bed.  Pumpkin seems to be a hit with her!
  • Pistachios -- (and peanuts too!!)  I have been eating pistashios as they are a nice little snack and every time she sees me eating them, she says.... "I want some "stashios".  She always comes back for more!!!
  • Eggs and Cheese  -- (from mom's salad).  She has tried to eat salad just about every time I fix one (which is several nights a week) but always spits the lettuce back out.  I think it might be a texture issue, but its okay.  She will like it one day. 
One thing she doesn't seem to like is meat.  She will eat it occasionally and  a small amount, but meat doesn't seem to excite her.  Chicken is usually our best bet for her to eat, so I always have to make sure that I have more foods available because I can't count on her eating the meat that we have.  She has tried fish a few times and we have had good luck with that though!  I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the meat aversion that I had during my pregnancy with her -- but it's a very interesting coincidence!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Halloween...the day Layla has looked forward to for the past month.  She was so excited to be a "cake party".  However, when she got up she had no interest at all in putting on the costume.  She refused to wear it to daycare that morning.  As I picked her up later on in the day, they had talked her into putting  it on!!

After dinner I asked her to put it back on so we could go trick or treating and I got a very blunt "NO".  After a few attempts I did what any parent does to get a picture... I bribed her with a sucker!!! Costume went on without any problems and we were off to go trick or treating.

Layla seemed to enjoy herself after we got outside and was so excited to see the other kids too.  We only went to a few houses but she didn't mind.  She come back to sit on the steps and waited for other "kids" to come by.  At one point as she is sitting in the porch she yells, " hey kids come here... I got candies"!!!! Only to be upset that she "didn't see any more kids".   What a hilarious little girl.  She sure did have fun!!!!

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Grocery List -- According to Layla

Layla really likes going to go grocery shopping now -- especially if she gets to ride in one of the "car" carts.  This has been the only way I can get her to sit while I shop.  Usually she would rather walk or be carried which made it rather difficult to get groceries.  She is trying to help so much, she even tries to tell me what we  need.  Her grocery list goes something like this:

Cry-crys  (French Fries)
Mac n Cheese
Cake Party (ie cupcakes)

Not the best of options -- especially when your mom is an RD.  These are NOT the things that we normally buy -- other than chicken but we usually fix it many different ways other than "fried".   I think this just her "wish list" of things that we would eat everyday!

Apple Picking and "Punkin" Patch

This year we decided to take Layla to Larriland Farm and pick apples and get a pumpkin for Halloween.  She was so excited about the apple picking and did a great job getting a few off of the tree.  She was also really impressed with the amount of open space there was to RUN!!!  She couldn't resist taste testing 1 or 2 along the way!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!  (I know this is posting REALLY late but these pictures were too precious to pass up)

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