Monday, October 29, 2012

Grocery List -- According to Layla

Layla really likes going to go grocery shopping now -- especially if she gets to ride in one of the "car" carts.  This has been the only way I can get her to sit while I shop.  Usually she would rather walk or be carried which made it rather difficult to get groceries.  She is trying to help so much, she even tries to tell me what we  need.  Her grocery list goes something like this:

Cry-crys  (French Fries)
Mac n Cheese
Cake Party (ie cupcakes)

Not the best of options -- especially when your mom is an RD.  These are NOT the things that we normally buy -- other than chicken but we usually fix it many different ways other than "fried".   I think this just her "wish list" of things that we would eat everyday!

Apple Picking and "Punkin" Patch

This year we decided to take Layla to Larriland Farm and pick apples and get a pumpkin for Halloween.  She was so excited about the apple picking and did a great job getting a few off of the tree.  She was also really impressed with the amount of open space there was to RUN!!!  She couldn't resist taste testing 1 or 2 along the way!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!  (I know this is posting REALLY late but these pictures were too precious to pass up)

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Happy 2nd Birthday, Layla!

We had a chance to go to KY for Layla's birthday this year.  We had a great time and enjoyed being able to share it with family.  My cousin, Beth, made her birthday cake.  Layla loved it!!!   She was so fascinated with all of the Minnie Mouse things!!!
  She loved having people sing to her but wasn't real fond of having to open gifts (can you believe that!)  She wanted to "eat cake".  She had a great time for her birthday!
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