Thursday, January 31, 2013

What Have We Been Up To?

Since Christmas, Layla and I have been just hanging around the house and enjoying some time together while its cold outside.  Here is a little recap of the last few weeks!

Dressing up to go to the intern Caribbean Cruise theme meal.  Layla was so excited to go -- she wanted to wear a dress to go!

Using the shoe rack as a "piano".  While in KY for Christmas, Layla got to play the piano at my aunt's house and she has tried to find several things around the house to "play piano" now.  Is piano playing in our future?

Dress up!!!  Layla chose this outfit herself!  She got the lace skirt a few months ago but just now has decided to wear it -- everyday when we are home!  Once she puts it on she is a "princess".

Getting her hair cut.

Sitting so still -- loving every minute of it.

I was going to try to let her hair grow out a bit -- but she insisted on me calling to get her a haircut.   She loves going and watching them cut her hair in the mirror.  She likes to be pampered already!!!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

The Next Tennis Star?

Layla picked up this toy a few nights ago and began swinging it like a tennis racquet. We were a little surprised as her swing looked really good!!  She keeps saying she wants to play tennis. Makes mommy really excited considering I played in high school and college.  I won't press her on it but if she is wanting to start playing I won't hold back in trying to teach her!  I think a little tennis racquet is in her future!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Catching an Orange

Layla LOVES clementines.  She and daddy share at least 1, maybe even 2 at night after dinner.  A few nights ago, he was showing her how he could catch one in his mouth. So....what does Layla do?  Tries to be just like daddy!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas 2012

We celebrated Christmas in Kentucky this year and Layla really got the hang of opening presents.  She never gave us great ideas of what she wanted...only "presents".  She did mention a "soccer ball" several times -- and we knew just the person to find us the "perfect one".  Layla seemed to have a great time this year -- and especially enjoyed spending time with family.  

Opening her soccer ball -- look at the smile!
New boots!!!
Opening her little people doll house
Trying to get the perfect pic!
Having fun with Uncle Jay
Modeling the house coats that they got!
Brushing the Tangled hair -- which usually ends in more tangles!
Having fun with play-doh
Haley, Kenzi and Layla -- having so much fun!
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