Friday, March 8, 2013

Strike a Pose

We are SOOO in trouble! Last night after her bath, Layla insisted on putting her housecoat on to go downstairs.  She walked right over to the T.V. and struck a pose -- then went to the other side.  We couldn't stop laughing at how she just did this on her own.  We asked her to do it again -- so we could take a picture and she happily obliged.  Check out the lift of the leg!

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

I LOVE Ice Cream!

At dinner over the weekend, the restaurant that we visited had frozen yogurt on their kids meal.  Layla was told that she could only have her "ice cream" when she finished all of her dinner.  She quickly ate ALL of her chicken and then was ready for her dessert.  It was so good.....she even drank the rest out of the bowl!   She thought she had really gotten a treat!