Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm A Big Kid Now!!!

We've had a big month and Layla is ALL smiles!!  We have been trying to potty train Layla for quite some time and a few months ago I was ready to go all out and take the pull ups away when she got frustrated and decided to just take it upon herself to put her own diaper on.

I had been reading a lot on Pinterest and talking other parents and one had told me about the 3 Day Potty Training book.  I ordered it -- read through it a few times and wanted to be ready when we decided to try again. About a week ago, I decided that this was 'it" .  We were going to do the potty training thing again and that we would be successful this time.  And guess what.....we did great!!!  Layla was such a big girl!  

We had been talking about the "big day" for over a week and how we were going to start going to the potty.  So the morning of, we got up and had our normal routine -- eating breakfast and got a bath.  We came back downstairs and packed all of our diapers up and "threw them away".  Brought the little potty into the living room and waited.  About an hour later -- I was so excited that she sat, used the bathroom like it was nothing and went about what she was doing!

We are so proud of our big girl and can't believe that we have hit another milestone!  

All smiles!

Playing a little dress up.

Take a picture of me! 
Potty training is really tiring though!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

She Said What???

Over the past week, Layla has come off with some really funny comments -- and also have Brent and I looking at each other and wondering "What are we in for later on?"....

Conversation #1:
We were leaving dinner last week for my birthday and walking down the street to the car in Annapolis when a well-dressed woman walks by in a pair of high heels.
Layla:  Mommy -- I really like her shoes (what 2 1/2 year old pays attention to shoes??)
Me:  Oh really?
Layla:  Yeah.  I think I could wear those.   They are cute!
Me: ...............

Conversation #2:
Preface:   I have recently had my hair cut and highlighted.  Layla keeps looking at it and saying she really likes it.

Layla:  Mommy -- I want to color my hair.
Me:  Oh really?  And what color would you want?
Layla:  I want my hair colored pink...and red!
Me:  What?????

I'm only hoping she has gotten this from watching Strawberry Shortcake where they have pink streaks in their hair.  Otherwise....we are in trouble!!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Welcome to Spring

The whole family is very excited that the dreary winter is finally loosening its grip on the Baltimore/Washington area.  Longer days and warmer weather is definitely giving Layla a much needed opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy nature.  We went down to DC to see the cherry blossoms and walk the new Martin Luther King Jr. memorial. It was a bit chilly in the morning and had to contend with thousands of runners a the cherry blossom 10 mile run.  Layla is such a ham when it comes to taking pictures.

The blossoms were not at full bloom but they were still a site to see.  

Layla got to spend some quality time with her cousin Beth. Layla has woken up every day since Beth arrived and the first thing she asks is "Where Beth go?" 

 "Happy, Happy, Happy!"

We took a look at the newest DC memorial to Martin Luther King Jr. The shear size of the stone elements are quite impressive and the statue overlooking the tidal basin is very fitting and a nice tribute to MLK Jr.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter at home this year.  We tried taking Layla to hunt Easter eggs, but it was a total flop.  I had originally tried to take her to Rolly Pollies to hunt eggs, but wasn't quick enough on the draw and they filled up too fast.  We took her next door to the grocery store and I think there were more children than they expected.  Layla wasn't quick to start looking for eggs, so she missed out.  Her face as she looked at us with no eggs really broke our heart.  We were prepared to do whatever it took to get her something so she didn't feel left out.  A little girl was nice enough to come over and give her 3 of her eggs -- which Layla was fine with!

On Sunday, I had planned on fixing a meal for us and we had also planned on going to church.  We made it -- 20 minutes early and it was almost packed!!  Layla did really well until about 20 minutes into the service when she decided she wanted to leave -- and was not going to sit in her seat at all!  I had to take her out to which she thought she could "dance" in the lobby area.  Luckily, there were other people out there too with young children and I think they totally understood!  

We come home to lunch and then Layla and I took a nice 2 hour nap!  A great Easter!