Monday, September 30, 2013

I'll Hold Your Hand

A conversation in the Worthington house last week:

Laryessa:  "Brent. Are you going to get a flu shot this year.  I'll probably need to since I can't get it at the hospital".
Brent:  "I'm not sure.  I probably should though".
Layla:  "Daddy, I'll go with you and hold your hand".

What a sweet, tender-hearted little girl.  We took her to get her flu shot about 2 weeks ago and daddy held her hands and we are proud to say, NO TEARS were shed when she got her shot.  She just wants to make sure that daddy is okay getting his shot too!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

That Guy That Says My Name

Layla is named after the Eric Clapton song, Layla (as if you couldn't guess).   Before Brent and I even knew that we were pregnant, we had talked about names.  We had agreed upon Layla if we ever had a girl.  I've looked forward to the day when we could let her hear the song for the first time and always wondered how she would react.  Well....last week we were playing some videos over the t.v. and I told Brent to just play the song and see if she would react.  She did!!!  What a priceless moment to see this. When you ask her if he really wrote the song for her, she replies "Of course he did!!".   Enjoy!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kids Say the Craziest Things

The old saying, "Kids say the darnedest things" have certainly been true at our house over the last few weeks.  I'm sure this is just the beginning but we are having so much fun trying to figure out 1) where she got these things from and 2) what she is going to come off with next!

Scenario 1:
Brent's mom and sister Jan were here helping us out while I was recovering from surgery and  Jan was trying to find something for Layla to watch on t.v.   She was in the on demand videos section and wanted to let Layla watch Epic.  It's currently one of those new movies that we would have to pay for.  Jan pulls the movie up and asks Layla, "Would you like to watch it".  To which Layla replies in her most serious voice, "Your gonna have to pay for it.".

Layla really likes to watch the same movies...over and over again!  When there is nothing on that she is willing to watch -- we try to see what FREE movies are available.  If we come across something that costs money -- I tell her that we can't watch it because I don't want to have to pay for it.  It's not that I mind paying for her a movie once in a while -- but I know we would spend a ton of money if we continue to pay for the same one over and over again, so I try to stick with free ones!

Scenario 2: 
Layla was supposed to be taking a nap the other day when she gets up and walks over to her toy box.  She pulls an imaginary animal out of the box and leads it to the steps.  She proceeds to tell such animal that they are in time out and they are to sit there and NOT MOVE!.  She gets down right where the animal would be to tell them this and then walks away.  I ask her what happened.  She told me her dolphin had "given her a look" and they needed to sit in time out for 2 minutes.   Think she has heard this a few times?

Never a dull moment with her!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Next U.S. Open Star

Layla got her first tennis racket about a month ago and she rarely puts it down.  She is really trying to play -- and she has a great swing already!  I just need to get her on the tennis court now!  She loved watching the U.S. Open the last two weeks!  Now if I can only keep her interested in tennis!