Friday, October 18, 2013

Summer -- Just a Little Late

Our last day at the pool for the summer was the end of September.  The weather was only in the mid-70's and the water was FREEZING, but my little swimmer wanted one last day at the pool.  Layla has done so well this summer with trying to learn how to swim -- even with her "swimmies" on .  I was finally able to get video of her on the last day.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Summer of Fun

We have had so much fun this summer!  Layla and I spent several of our days enjoying the sunshine at the pool.  She has loved wearing dressing, playing ball and getting to know new friends.  Here is a recap of some of our pictures we took this summer.

Layla with her Tangled Barbie Doll.  She was proud that her outfit matched the doll.

Styling and profiling in Toys R Us.  We went looking for a bicycle, but she was too interested in the cars.  She was told she can't get a car until she can pay for it herself!

Smiling for the camera!

I don't want to take a nap!!!  She refused to lay on her bed but fell asleep laying across it!

Trying out mommy's seat after she had surgery!  She said it was pretty comfy!

"Are my friends outside playing?  Well, I'll just sit her and watch to see when they come outside".

Throw me the ball, throw me the ball!

Layla is watching the U.S. Open intently to see the correct form needed to play.  She really enjoyed watching this year!