Wednesday, November 13, 2013


October was a busy month!  The weather was so pretty and warm most of the month so we tried to take advantage of it while we could be outside.  Layla got so excited for Halloween this year and couldn't wait to dress up.  Her costume of choice -- a cupcake (if you will recall, we were a cupcake or "cake party" as she called it last year too!  She couldn't wait to wear the costume. I think more than anything she was excited to get to trick or treat with her friend a few doors down (it was his first REAL Halloween since he wasn't but a few months old last year).  She got so excited to show him "how to do it".  We practiced our "trick or treat" and "thank you" for several weeks.  

Layla did get to go to daycare on Halloween so she wore her costume, ate a bunch of candy and other not so great foods (although mommy did take in fresh fruit)!  See how exhausted she was before she even went out trick or treating.  She took a small nap before we work her up and told her it was "time to trick or treat".  She had a great time.  Now ...what to do with all of that candy!